Thursday 29 September 2011

Street Rubbings

Today we went outside to gather rubbings of descent textures with paper and graphite. We the scannd them in tot he computer for future use in photoshop. Here are the textures which we gathered.

Wall Textures In Photoshop

To make this brick wall, i had to create a stone texture effect in a seperate document. To make this I used several filters and a new alpha channel and eventually came up with this texture.

I then created a new stone texture in the same way just with different colours. Here is the outcome.

I then took the first texture into a new document, reshaped it and gave it a bevel and emboss effect. I then tiled this stone texture across and down until it looked like a brick wall. I then done this exact same process again but with my second stone texture created.

I then did this again, but placed one stone texture over the other and added the multiply overlay, before bevell and embossing it then tiling it. The image below is what the final wall looked like.

I then used the clone tool on this wall to make each brick look less identical.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Research on Textures

A good example of a texture would have to include a good amount of depth and a lot of detail. What i mean by this is that it cant just be a flat surfaced texture with a few dents in it. A good example of a good texture would be a concrete surface or a brick wall. This is due to they both contain the properties of a good texture. They are both very detailed and contain a fair amount of depth.

Brick Wall Texture

Here are some more images and examples of good textures.
Wood TextureMetal TextureMetal TextureGranular TextureWool TextureWater Texture
As you can see there are invloved with a lot of depth or detail.

A bad texture would be flat surfaced and would not have as much detail as others. It would be either too smooth or too plain to be a good texture as it wouldn't have much depth neither enough detail. The texture below is a good example of a bad texture as its not got a lot of detail and not too much depth as its only got a few shallow ridges.

Cardboard Texture

Here are some more examples of bad textures.
Cardboard TextureLeather TextureGrunge TextureGrunge TextureCardboard TexturePaper Texture
As you can see in the images above, they all are pretty much flat and or smooth with only a small amount of depth if anything.

Photographing Textures

 Last week I took some pictures of objects such as tree bark, drains, stone floors and even leaves. This was because they are good objects which can be used as textures. Here are the pictures I took.

This is an image of a metal drain. The texture I though was a nice one as its simple and embossed. Also the majority of it is smooth and the pattern on this texture is fairly symmetrical.
I also got an image of a tree. This was another good texture because its very rough and detailed. It is also a fairly flat texture.
This is a picture of a patch of grass. I got this image because I thought the depth of it could be a detailed texture. Its also fairly messy as the grass blades are crossed over each other.
This is a stone floor. I thought this would be a good texture as the stones are pretty much the same height off of the floor so this could give a rough but even texture.
This is an image of the inside of a hood. I thought this was another nice texture as its a cross-hatch pattern. It is symmetrical and got an even surface.

Here are some more image that I took which were also good textures.

Thursday 15 September 2011



To create a wood texture in photoshop. Firstly I chose two wooden type colours, one fairly light and one darker. I then added a render called fibers by going to filter/ render/ fibers. In here I made the variance slightly higher. After this it looked a lot like wood but it needed some knots and streaks as you would find in wood. I did this by going into liquify mode and smudging up and down the image. I also used the twirl tool. To finish off i made the overall image slightly darker by going to image/ adjustments/ variations and selected the darker option.


I then went on to creating a stone textured image. I started off by selecting 2 stone colours, one a light grey and one a darkish black/grey colour. I then rendered my image with the clouds option by navigating through filter/ render/ clouds. I then went into my channels layers and created a new layer which was black. After that, still in my channels layers, i again added the clouds rendering and also adjusted the contrast of the stone layer. I then added some lighting effects in filter/ render/ lighting effects and changed the light type to directional, then chose my texture channel to my channel that i previously created. I then made the height of the texture channel more mountainous than flat.

Brushed Steel

It was a lot simpler to create a brushed steel texture. I firstly added noise by goingfilter/ noise/ addnoise and made it monochromatic and put the amount up to around 218. I then added a motion blur so it looked like there were harsh strokes going across the image. I finally cropped the image to get rid of the softened edges which came up after the motion blur.


I created the water texture by firstly selecting two water colours, one light and one darker. I then added the clouds render to separate the 2 colours randomly over my image. After this stage, i went to filter/ sketch/ chrome and made the detail really high and the smoothness very low.