Thursday, 6 October 2011

Creating More Textures In Photoshop

To create a rusted iron texture, I started off by creating a document, 900 pixels by 900 pixels with a resolution of 72. I then used the marquee tool and created a thin rectangle stretching from the top of the page to the bottom and then filled that with a reflective gradient of white to dark grey. I then created a new layer and changed my foreground colour to a light grey, then the background colour to a darker grey. With his I did the render clouds filter then crystallised it. I then changed its blend mode to multiply. After this I created another new layer and used a very soft brush, with the opacity of 10% and a dull orange rusty colour, then started stroking from the top of my document to the bottom. This made the iron look rusted. I then went on to changing the blend mode to multiply so it gave it a darker effect.I then used the marquee tool and made the size of the marquee a third of the size of the document. With this I used a soft eraser to gently erase some of the orange down the sides. I then repeated this on the other two thirds of the image but with a feint black soft brush, instead of the eraser. Below is an image of what I tried to achieve in Photoshop

Here is my final outcome.

I then made two more variations of the rusted iron texture.

I then created a rusted brushed steel texture. I start off with the same document dimensions and resolution. After I changed my foreground and background colours to white and a feint orange. I then added a render clouds filter and added some noise to it. After that I added a motion blur to it at an angle to give it the brushed steel effect. Once I had this, I created a new layer and repeated the same process just with a darker orange as the foreground colour. I then changed the blend mode to multiply which made the previous rust, slightly darker. I then did this again but with a very dark orange as my foreground colour and a brown as the background colour. I again changed its blend mode to multiply. This was my final image outcome.

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