Tuesday 13 December 2011


For this unit I had to create ten highly finished textures which can be used in an urban street environment and for future use in game design and 3D modelling. I also had to take into consideration whether these textures were natural or man-made. The theme that I chose to work with is a modern style theme. This theme would involve clean, smooth and sharp styled textures such as clean bricks, a variety of metals, water a possibly a few wooden textures. 

To start with I completed some research. I firstly researched into textures as a whole by going outside and gathering photographs of textures from tree bark to drain covers. I then got some images of all types of textures from a single street. I photographed all components which were found in this street such as vents, curbs, garages, drains, lampposts and a phone box. I also gathered images of buildings from that street. This is where I got my idea for creating modern textures as it was a modern street and had many inspiring looking textures throughout it. I then created a mood board with images from this street to get a more precise idea on modern textures. Researching on-line was fairly useful to as there many tutorials to create these textures and there were a whole load of digital textures which others had made. This gave me a rough idea of how to produce my textures. I also took rubbing's of textures from outside.

After researching I went on to creating a mind map of all the different textures I could create. This involved textures such as tarmac, stone, marble, concrete, clean cut bricks, glass, steel, wood and grass. I then did some experimentation work to try to see how I could create them. During the experiments, I accidental discovered how to create other textures, as half way through creating a pavement texture it looked like tarmac which I found helpful.

I had to present the work I had already done to peers as I would be able to gather feedback of what to change and what I still needed to do. From this I found I only had to create my final ten textures.

After this I decided upon the techniques in which I would be creating my final textures as this gave me the opportunity to have many variations of textures so I could find the best method. I also followed a couple of tutorials on-line as I couldn’t find a way to create certain textures that I wanted. Once I had my final ten textures there were some which I weren’t entirely happy with as they were not as realistic as though they could have been. I therefor decided to reproduce them but with a few variations until I got the result I was looking for.

If I were to do this again I would choose a ruins styled theme as after researching on-line I found there were a lot of grungy based textures which would have been ideal if I chose that theme.

The importance of creating your own work is crucial as it allows you the rights to control the ways in which that material may be used. Therefore if you use somebody else’s, they might not be happy and it could end up in court.

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