To create a wood texture in photoshop. Firstly I chose two wooden type colours, one fairly light and one darker. I then added a render called fibers by going to filter/ render/ fibers. In here I made the variance slightly higher. After this it looked a lot like wood but it needed some knots and streaks as you would find in wood. I did this by going into liquify mode and smudging up and down the image. I also used the twirl tool. To finish off i made the overall image slightly darker by going to image/ adjustments/ variations and selected the darker option.
I then went on to creating a stone textured image. I started off by selecting 2 stone colours, one a light grey and one a darkish black/grey colour. I then rendered my image with the clouds option by navigating through filter/ render/ clouds. I then went into my channels layers and created a new layer which was black. After that, still in my channels layers, i again added the clouds rendering and also adjusted the contrast of the stone layer. I then added some lighting effects in filter/ render/ lighting effects and changed the light type to directional, then chose my texture channel to my channel that i previously created. I then made the height of the texture channel more mountainous than flat.
Brushed Steel
It was a lot simpler to create a brushed steel texture. I firstly added noise by goingfilter/ noise/ addnoise and made it monochromatic and put the amount up to around 218. I then added a motion blur so it looked like there were harsh strokes going across the image. I finally cropped the image to get rid of the softened edges which came up after the motion blur.
I created the water texture by firstly selecting two water colours, one light and one darker. I then added the clouds render to separate the 2 colours randomly over my image. After this stage, i went to filter/ sketch/ chrome and made the detail really high and the smoothness very low.
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