Thursday, 29 September 2011

Wall Textures In Photoshop

To make this brick wall, i had to create a stone texture effect in a seperate document. To make this I used several filters and a new alpha channel and eventually came up with this texture.

I then created a new stone texture in the same way just with different colours. Here is the outcome.

I then took the first texture into a new document, reshaped it and gave it a bevel and emboss effect. I then tiled this stone texture across and down until it looked like a brick wall. I then done this exact same process again but with my second stone texture created.

I then did this again, but placed one stone texture over the other and added the multiply overlay, before bevell and embossing it then tiling it. The image below is what the final wall looked like.

I then used the clone tool on this wall to make each brick look less identical.

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